help with fire build


not an expert on builds, so looking for some positive feed back on how to make it better

background, started off looking for a righteous fire build, and on a whim started from the scion position (regret that now, prob better starting positions elsewhere)

started playing and during levelling transformed into a flameblast/lightening tendrils spell caster
also realised righteous fire has been nerfed in last few patches, and making it work is inefficient

still not given up on RF, but as a nice to have, but build focus much more on fire skills, flameblast, flame surge and flame totem.

hoping to also run AA, and a couple of auras, something of wrath/clarity/purity(of fire)
stick in a herald of thunder linked with curse on hit, and flammability or something

treewise, i have 2 variations of a tree, which is still on 112 points so need to be trimmed down

1) more fire passives, aura boosts, (jack up the purity of fire max res if i ever try the RF) :

more life regen, and more life, (so regen the life loss from RF) :

So, would really appreciate any thoughts on how i am doing it wrong :}

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