Best Self-Found Builds

Just looking to get a compilation of best self found builds. Figured I would have some fun until Act 4 comes out.

As of right now, I am leaning towards double totem Scion (only because she gets every gem needed, so I won't have to rely on luck of a gem dropping).

What are some others? Ground Slam Marauder comes to mind, but I am not sure if he gets Increased AoE or Conc Effect off the top of my head.
IGN: Emfx
I dont see any any key!
This will help you, in regards to checking what gems are available to Marauder from quest rewards:)
Searing bond templar is the best :)
Block works fine for me self-found.
If by "self-found" you mean "not dependent on selecting specific gear", you'll have to stay away from most "builds".

Pick a character that can farm well in level 66 areas... pretty much anything will do if you know the build. Then you have to plan a build based on what you can find. Do not expect your first character, or your sixth character, to make it to "end game" as defined by the trade crowd.
all my build are self-found, I never copy existing ones.
IGN TylordRampage
Best? As in the self found meta? is there such a thing?
Burning proliferation. "Skill" + Ele Proliferation + Chance to Ignite + Increased Burning Damage. "Skill" can by anything that deals enough fire damage with one hit, Flameblast is the standard choice at the moment. All of the gems are quest rewards, you just need a 4 linked item. More links (Concentrated Effect and/or Fire Penetration) make it even stronger.

A more general advice: play a spell build when you start playing self found. Spells have a guaranteed minimum damage thanks to the gem levels, but finding a decent endgame weapon may take forever.
I think an ice shot/tornado + puncture would be easy self found, tweaked to suit that way of playing. Plenty of useful gems from quest rewards, you need zero uniques to make it efficient. It is pretty easy to craft an "ok" bow at end game too.

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