beating vorici at socketing

Ok, so I had my Newly bought Shavronne's Wrappings that cost me 8 chaos from Elreon and I decided I would actually use it instead of selling it for a profit. I built up 1500 fuses and 350 jewlers so I could make it a 6 link.
I had decided that I would try my chances at the currency rather than buy it from my lv 8 Vorici. 350 jewlers came and went and no 6 sockets. Now I understood it was a gamble, although I am bummed out that I failed, loosing 350 jewlers is not so bad. If I tried and lost the 1500 fuses, well that is a couple months of daily playing for a couple hours and as such I would be very heartbroken, so I have decided that I will just pay Vorici for the actual links.

Now to get it six socketed after spending the 350 jewlers should I
A. save up another 350 and try again
B. just keep using them as I get them until it eventually happens
c. save up and pay Vorici making my total cost 700
What would probably be the best strategy?
I'd save up and use Vorici. Using them yourself is only worthwhile if you have 2x-3x expected value in back stock to absorb bad RNG. Or if you really don't care about not being able to use the item while you wait for it to link.

I once spent the entireity of Ambush league trying and failing to get a six-socket on an ilevel 77 chest. I must have pumped over 2,000 jewelers into it before giving up.
IGN: Ikimashouka, Tsukiyattekudasai, DontCallMeMrFroyo
To me the point of playing the game in the first place is to find items and to gamble on things. You already got a shavs, which is more than most people ever get. I'd say go for it with your own jewellers and your own fusings.
hellcatq wrote:
Ok, so I had my Newly bought Shavronne's Wrappings that cost me 8 chaos from Elreon and I decided I would actually use it instead of selling it for a profit. I built up 1500 fuses and 350 jewlers so I could make it a 6 link.
I had decided that I would try my chances at the currency rather than buy it from my lv 8 Vorici. 350 jewlers came and went and no 6 sockets. Now I understood it was a gamble, although I am bummed out that I failed, loosing 350 jewlers is not so bad. If I tried and lost the 1500 fuses, well that is a couple months of daily playing for a couple hours and as such I would be very heartbroken, so I have decided that I will just pay Vorici for the actual links.

Now to get it six socketed after spending the 350 jewlers should I
A. save up another 350 and try again
B. just keep using them as I get them until it eventually happens
c. save up and pay Vorici making my total cost 700
What would probably be the best strategy?

Use vorici. There is a video of a guy having to use 76 or so fusings for a simple 4 link.
kompaniet wrote:
Use vorici. There is a video of a guy having to use 76 or so fusings for a simple 4 link.

theres also people who 6L in under 76 fusings. what is your point. there are extremes on both ends of the spectrum.
just like figuring out an average the most top and bottom extremes should be ignored because they are exceptions. in the average of things it is still cheaper to 6L with your own fusings because vorici definitely charges more for the convenience of it being guaranteed.
6 link it yourself. A buddy of mine has made almost 70 six links, and he is consistently getting six links with only 700-900 fusings. He has however had a 4 or 5 six links out of those that took 3000 or more, but all but a select few took more than the 1500 on the bench. Simply ask one of the other people on standard who have made lots of six links and ask them what the average is.
Sure, the lab can be hard, but it's pretty easy if you're properly geared, and not terrible at the game.
From a different thread (627937):
ScrotieMcB wrote:
At one point back in Closed Beta, GGG devs revealed that the ratio was 100:90:80:30:5:1, which meant that an item with 1 socket currently would have a 1/206 chance of becoming a 6-socket item (since the outcome with 100 shares was eliminated as a possibility); an item with 5 sockets already would have a 1/301 chance of getting six sockets. Over the long run, this means that the chances per Jeweler average to this:
30.19% chance 1-socket
28.50% chance 2-socket
26.51% chance 3-socket
12.15% chance 4-socket
2.21% chance 5-socket
0.45% chance 6-socket

On average, it should take about 223 Jeweler's Orbs to six-socket an item; this is the mean. The median is slightly different; it's 154 Jeweler's Orbs, which means although an average attempt takes 154 orbs, the attempts which do take more tend to take enough more to push the average orbs used to 223.

It is, however, possible that rates have changed since then.

I also noticed that when I 6-socketed an item it was usually the jewel right after it was 1-socket (I looked at the video replay since I normally just shift-click through 2 or 3 stacks).
OP, according to jews, better keep on spamming. You have already invested too much and above the average chance with no success. Every gambler will keep on, as his chances are increased at that point. Also Vorici recipes are a scam and you will simply overpay too much now. You either had to use the recipe, or keep on going now, when you are up to it.

According to linking, it's up to you. Average chance is around 800-900, but you know, shit happens.

Today got an irresistible desire to gamble and started the game just to burn some fuses, as I don't play anymore.
Got 6L in 312, shame there's no one to use it.
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The Experts ™ 2017
Ah...I'd know what to do if a shavs was ever miraculously gifted to me lol. How this game goes I guess
So in people practice is it better to build stacks and then try or try as you get them one at a time? I suppose I will just keep trying an not use Vorici although since I apparently have bad luck I think I will use him on the fuses. Either way I will be far ahead of the game considering my shav costed 8 chaos an 2 blessed orbs to roll it from 6 spell dmg to 8 spell dmg. The lighting res was in mid 30's and the energy shield was 187 of 200 so I didn't divine it. So obviously I got a good deal no matter how you look at it.

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