Pre-nerfed ST


I miss it.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
idk what about are you talking but ST still bangs dem bitches >(^_^)> <(^_^)> <(^_^)<
idk what about are you talking but ST still bangs dem bitches >(^_^)> <(^_^)> <(^_^)<

Lets add: "Can only be used with Swords, Maces and Axes" and then we can discuss again "how it still bangs bitches" if you cant use your OPie OPie dagger.. :P

Welcome to the greatest of arenas, Duelist. God is watching you.

Do people actually use ST outside of CoC or a low life crit shav flavor build which is redundant because nearly every build can become that.
Astarte911 wrote:
idk what about are you talking but ST still bangs dem bitches >(^_^)> <(^_^)> <(^_^)<

Lets add: "Can only be used with Swords, Maces and Axes" and then we can discuss again "how it still bangs bitches" if you cant use your OPie OPie dagger.. :P


But ironically the concept of ST - throwing your weapon, only makes sense with daggers and not with any other weapon type present in PoE.
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
People used to pair ST with Aegis before they were nerfed. It was the strongest sword and board melee out there. Best balance of DPS & survivability for sword and board melees. You could hit the 40k+ DPS range easily, and have a build strong enough to face tank anything. You had a build that was high HP, high armor, high block %, and could leech ES from blocking for some extra padding on top of 40K+ DPS. That is why it was such a sought after weapon. You could also run more auras due to not taking BM. You could run all your % based auras on mana, and then the flat cost ones on HP, and then be able to attack without ever running out of mana, and without having to link a BM gem, which you could just put another DPS gem in place of that. They typically used infernal blow just like facebreaker builds did. So yeah, that build was insanely powerful.

You could technically find/craft a better 1h axe flat DPS wise, but when you consider the ability to run more auras + being able to free up a gem slot for another DPS gem, this is what made Soul taker the best. You used to be able to run 7 auras on a build like that. All the elemental damage + armor + resists, speed, etc. I think some people even used Vaal Pact on top of all that, but IMO, it wasn't necessary. This is why EVERYBODY wanted ST.
Last edited by MrSmiley21 on Nov 18, 2014, 7:10:09 AM
Wait, are we talking about Spectral Throw or Soul Taker?

The Spectral Throw nerf absolutely blows; now it's only worth running with crit of some sort, and there are so many killer crit builds out there that going Spectral Throw isn't all that special.

Soul Taker? Meh. It's still a very usable weapon with Cyclone and Aegis, although the dps doesn't compare. I guess that's what you get for having a tanky build. Except now crit is king and there are plenty of "tanky" ("avoidy"?) crit builds that are way more efficient than anything else.
Dreamfeather Elemental Cleave Ranger:
Even with CoE change and st nerf (keep in mind that it was buffed once after 1.0 for some reason) the overall dps of the top st builds went up with 1.3. The mana cost is still really low compared to other skills (9 mana for a lvl 20 st unsupported) & multimod made it easier to craft daggers. Overall I'd say 1.3 st >> 1.2 st when you look at the overall picture.
crit dagger ST is by far the most effective and safe build for HC.

Very good dps, huge AoE, ranged, shield and block possible, can run auras...
This thread is about Soul Taker, or at least it is supposed to be. It should never have been released as it was, and at the time was by FAR the best item in the game. Now but a shadow of itself.

That being said I'm nostalgic about a few other items too. If you had a LG back in the day you were a god. Ah well times they are a changing! Power creep is reality, and most of the diaeternals don't want to design underwhelming items.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Last edited by DarthSki44 on Nov 18, 2014, 10:59:28 AM

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