Will you cry when crit gets nerfed?

Sa_Re wrote:
Because arguments don't work when all the other side brings to the discussion is "u prolly never played crit" "casual kids jelly" etc. :P

Hey, stop, what arguments you are talking about? Some people just stated they will enjoy the grief of others. It is the "casual kids jelly", whether you like it or not.
I just love the 'density' of 'crit builds require investments'

What investements? Mathil crit ele tornado shot CRIT works with deaths harph.. it has sick gear..but you know? It works sufficiently well with crap gear. Why? Because crit multi gives SO MUCH more damage than other scaling that one can use crap gear.

It is way easier and cheaper to get to certain clear speed with crit build than with non-crit..
Sa_Re wrote:
Because arguments don't work when all the other side brings to the discussion is "u prolly never played crit" "casual kids jelly" etc. :P

Hey, stop, what arguments you are talking about? Some people just stated they will enjoy the grief of others. It is the "casual kids jelly", whether you like it or not.

Or they are just trolling, who knows. The arguments I'm talking about were given in most of the critthreads around here.

For the investment part, see sidtherat's excellent post above mine.
Last edited by Sa_Re on Nov 14, 2014, 9:13:27 AM
sidtherat wrote:
I just love the 'density' of 'crit builds require investments'

What investements? Mathil crit ele tornado shot CRIT works with deaths harph.. it has sick gear..but you know? It works sufficiently well with crap gear. Why? Because crit multi gives SO MUCH more damage than other scaling that one can use crap gear.

It is way easier and cheaper to get to certain clear speed with crit build than with non-crit..

It works ok with a Voll's 6l, uber jewelry and max level(+) heralds + damage auras while using a skill that highly benefits from +1 to arrows. TS is the broken thing here.

Saltychipmunk wrote:

Like crit builds are hard to do... If any of you people legitimately think it takes effort to make a crit build ... when ALL A CRIT BUILD IS is a bloody normal build + crit nodes and a crit weapons ... then wow...

just wow.

ive made crit builds that were under 2 exa and did double the damage of builds that cost 40 exa.

So a build that invests more nodes + gear into offense shouldn't do more damage than one that has more points available for defense according to you?

Also nice 'cost' comparison without any proof or examples.

Still waiting for people to bring up proper examples.
Nope since I don't play perm leagues so when new leagues come out, I'll play the new best build.
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015
Axarion wrote:

So a build that invests more nodes + gear into offense shouldn't do more damage than one that has more points available for defense according to you?

to tackle this easy to pick apart one.

who said anything about taking more nodes, you arent picking more nodes. you are just replacing one damage node type with another.

so instead of taking 40 + physical nodes you take 15 crit centric nodes and 25 physical nodes.

you aren't spending more or less. and that trade off would probably be about 200% increased physical worth

where as the remaining 25 would be about 350% increased physical.

but you now get access to crit and crit multi.

just on the tree you can get an easy 600% crit chance and an easy 100 crit multi% between the power charges and the dedicated crit weapon nodes etc

you can get another easy 200% crit chance from gear and another easy 100 crit multi on gear%

then there is the fact that you get to use the crit multi gem. the crit multi gem scales everything. no dicking around with partial scaling of just elemental damage or just physical. its another more everything multi.

now lets say we get a base crit weapon of 10, with 800% crit chance that is 90% chance to crit and with the easy multis (lets use a low estimation of 150 + 100 (gem) 100 (passive) 100 gear) for a 450% multi with 90% chance to crit

that 350% physical mod now is easily in the 1000%s of more physical vs that 550% you had with no crit investment.

This isnt even counting the 50% bonus from shocks or the amazing defense you get by turning everything into a block of ice.

i have a crit build , and i have the exact same build as non crit with the same dps bows ( 315 physical dps)

with the same amount of damage nodes

the crit one has 50k fire arrows on a 4l the other has 20k fire arrows. and the 50k one shocks burns and freezes 80% of the time. the crit build isnt even optimized , i bought the cheapest lowest rolled items i could find.

this isnt even a fucking contest.
Last edited by Saltychipmunk on Nov 14, 2014, 12:36:58 PM
I just can repeat my words..

This would disapointing me, why they dont nerf shit like "loath bane" ?
They should nerf the rich becouse they are OP, eaven if my char is build on crit, im far away to be op.
The peopels who got insane dagger, shavarones and al type of mirored items - they are op...
And they would be op eaven if they nerf crit...
Peopels who wil realy get nerfed by this would be those, who finaly are abel to make some dmg with a crit, the OP players make more dmg, than me when i crit, by dont eaven deal a critical strike....

So ask ur self, wath type of shit is op?
Don't care about crit balancing. If I do less DPS in 1.3 then so be it.

But as someone who plays a melee character I think it would be more funny to see all ranged attack gems get a negative crit chance multipler. There should be a price for those cowardly guys who just knock everything against the wall 2 screens away while they stand off in safety barely playing. GGG loves to stand their game's difficulty on a pedestal when it serves a purpose but they leave approximately 1 trillion ways in game to trivialize all content to near pointlessness.
Kamro wrote:
Ya lets make all build bad because Casuals QQ too much. This is a hardcore Arpg if you cant live with people who put effort in it to be much better than you go play a casual game like D3 that throws GG loot at you.

This game isn't a hardcore Arpg, that statement is ridiculous. This game perfect for casual play.

I play several builds, one of my favorites was RT spec throw and have had several successful iterations until lately. I can't even seem to break 1k dps at level 50 whereas my arc witch is at 7k.

I don't mind playing crit based, but I don't play my RT build at all because it simply cannot do anywhere near the dmg of my crit builds. I have arc and ice, both level super fast, are cheap to build out, and can faceroll A3 Merc.

I also am a very casual player. I have a job, a wife, and 2 kids and enough self esteem where it doesn't have to be defined by the video games I play.

That said I've been playing the game since closed beta and enjoy it very much. One thing I don't care for much are those players that roll by the content without so much as a glance (I do love joining docks runs with them however) so much to pick up like uniques and alcs that they just rush past trying to get to the next map.

My play style is like this: Roll your first character to be the one to get to high end content and get gear. Make your second char the one that you enjoy playing and that can be geared by the first one.

I think the problem is that no matter how geared your second one is, if it's not crit based, it's not going to do high end content very well.

Saltychipmunk wrote:

to tackle this easy to pick apart one.

who said anything about taking more nodes, you arent picking more nodes. you are just replacing one damage node type with another.

so instead of taking 40 + physical nodes you take 15 crit centric nodes and 25 physical nodes.

you aren't spending more or less. and that trade off would probably be about 200% increased physical worth

where as the remaining 25 would be about 350% increased physical.

but you now get access to crit and crit multi.

just on the tree you can get an easy 600% crit chance and an easy 100 crit multi% between the power charges and the dedicated crit weapon nodes etc

you can get another easy 200% crit chance from gear and another easy 100 crit multi on gear%

then there is the fact that you get to use the crit multi gem. the crit multi gem scales everything. no dicking around with partial scaling of just elemental damage or just physical. its another more everything multi.

now lets say we get a base crit weapon of 10, with 800% crit chance that is 90% chance to crit and with the easy multis (lets use a low estimation of 150 + 100 (gem) 100 (passive) 100 gear) for a 450% multi with 90% chance to crit

that 350% physical mod now is easily in the 1000%s of more physical vs that 550% you had with no crit investment.

This isnt even counting the 50% bonus from shocks or the amazing defense you get by turning everything into a block of ice.

If we take your example attack/cast speed is broken too since it scales all damage types, is multiplicative with base damage and has gems like multistrike/spell echo.

Only taking one way to boost your DPS certainly shouldn't be the way the game works.

Also "easy" 200% critchance on gear would require 2 Rings 60% (+ 30% crafted suffix, gl with resists), Amulet ~30%, Maligaro's Virtuosity 50% (no life/resists) = 150-180%, daggers add 40%, quivers can add over 60%.

Not to mention that you'll need like 700-1000 accuracy on gear (which you completely ignored in your calculations, at 75% chance to hit you won't crit much) depending on how many dex nodes you take. Which always costs you a potential resist slot.

That's going to screw your resists and life so hard, gl running that without purities/bis gear.

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