No more fun with races.

Cergic wrote:
Not to be a douche, but this means that you think that "Exiles Everywhere" is fun. Is that what you meant? Or did you mean that exiles everywhere is anything BUT fun?"

np & thanks, fixed (in a different way than you suggested and I hope for good now ;)

Cergic wrote:
Exiles everywhere is fun as balls, and only punishing at lvl 1. It's also more fair and enjoyable because it's skills and strategy involved. It feels like less competetive PVP. Fun as hell to face other exiles

Its a nice idea - but horrible balanced (as I experienced it). Compared to what we got last, its like Beyond illness^2 :D
Not only that (at least some of) the exiles are anything but balanced "against" beginning chars without equip (at least in coast, mud flats) - one of them, or maybe two that you could kite and skip would still be a risk but okay (just like deciding how to "handle" Fire Fury that early on).
But I'd never had expected that "everywhere" means "dozens per area" - this is plain bullsh*t.
invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
deutsche Community: &
exiles everywhere was fun . until the exile killed my character after the race ended 5 seconds earlier. a sloppy sloppy event system makes me sad.

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