PoE Shops Indexer — search for items with ease

can't search for cold damage per frenzy charge. Kind of stupid because this stat is BIS for my build.
OK, now listing in silver coins works well, thanks a lot.
Not sure maybe someone asked it already, but still,

for now it's impossible to search and sort by Gripped Gloves implicit
#% increased Projectile Attack Damage

as well as

Drillneck unique explicit not availabe for search
Adds # Physical Damage to Attacks with Bows

Last edited by zxfx on Sep 20, 2017, 4:08:04 AM
Currently you cant search for „Area is inhabited by abominations” the ”Abhorrent” map mod.

Any possibility of this being added to the list?

Awesome work, us humble mid tier mappers praise your name.
Hey mates, first of all thanks for poetrade services, woudn't play without it :)

So ... I was wondering why woudn't be prophecies in the poecurrency part too, it would be easier to make them buyable as other currencies trought our personal shop offers ;)
Thank you for poe.trade! Please kindly add the Voidbringer Conjurer Gloves unique modifier: "X% increased mana cost of skills" as a searchable parameter. It's an important parameter for my build!
There is guy trolling, or whatever he is doing, the beach head market. He priced a ton for 1 alteration orb two days ago and now everyone else does not even show in the search.
Sorry if this has already been answered, but how would I go about searching for boots with with the 'cannot be poisoned' affix that's created with the essence of delirium?


edit: my bad, i guess there's a lot of affixes that aren't searchable.

What's the best way to locate these boots if I can't find them via poe trade?
Last edited by siccaxe on Sep 23, 2017, 9:54:46 AM
BUG: poe.trade do not list gloves items with mods "%increased melee damage"

It would be pretty awesome to have a "quality seller" option. Essentially if you try to purchase something and the person simply doesn't reply or is a dick they can have their "quality" lowered.

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