PoE Shops Indexer — search for items with ease

Last edited by YummiesLOL on Apr 3, 2015, 7:30:53 AM
Since my questions are more related to Poe.trade than Procurement even if they're tied, here they are :
Someone knows how the nickname displayed on Poe.trade is chosen ?
I've a shop in the league SC & HC with the online control link for the whole account but i'm not sure it'll be the right name displayed on the site. I've already saw a bad one of a character i never used for months.

I suppose it should display the character name displayed here in the header. In any case is there some people trading within several leagues ? I assume it's a pain in the ass. You just can't switch characters each time when you play. Plus you'll have mp about items not in the league where you're currently playing.
i look forward to the next update
Hi, im trying to search for items with increased quantity of items found but only uniques are showing up (ive tried setting the item filter to both any and rare). Am I searching for the wrong thing or is this not working?
Ezbee wrote:
Hi, im trying to search for items with increased quantity of items found but only uniques are showing up (ive tried setting the item filter to both any and rare). Am I searching for the wrong thing or is this not working?

When I'm not completely wrong, Item Quantity cannot roll on magic / rare items. That's why you only get these Uniques.
I have a wand with master-crafted spell crit listed on XYZ, but the item does not show up if i search using the spell crit mod listed under "popular" and "all". It DOES show up using the "psuedo/total" spell crit mod, however. Is this normal?
If my chars are not in the ladder, then the items won't be indexed? Because it worked awhile ago.
Only 1st post , so i can't edit it ?
[Suggestion] Can you include the search parameters in the title of the results page? Maybe only the important ones like Type, DPS/Defense, Links, and Buyout. This would make bookmarking my favorite searches less of a chore.
IGN Riddericke ▪ UTC+1 ▪ SHOP 498896
Report-feature. People listing items for 0chaos buyout and putting some other price on the item to indicate the real price. Just to bump them up the list.

Suggest such trades are permanently banned from using the site. Scum of the earth, genocide would be too merciful. Burn Carthage.

p.s. I'm fine with 0chaos buyout but that's giving away stuff. Not just bumping you up the list.
Last edited by MrSnowman on Apr 20, 2015, 7:36:33 AM

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