Bug or Not? Quantity of Merc Dom Drops

I ran dom 20 times in merc, without IIQ and with +35% IIQ.

Without IIQ Dom drops a pretty consistent 22 items, once in awhile you get 21 ( pretty rare ).

When I equip my IIQ gear, it jumps to 27.5 average items ( equal parts 27 and 28 ).

+35% 'more' IIQ should be : 22 * 1.35 = 29.7 or on average roughly 30 items.

Note that 27.5 / 1.35 ~ 20 items, which doesn't seem right either. So basically its treating dom's drop quantity as a base of 20, or I'm completely missing something?


It is either rng or diminishing return kicks in. Problem is, nobody, but ggg, knows how iir/q diminishing returns work in poe. So u could try to do more runs with and with out iiq, few 100 at least and than use statistics.
GGG in a thread stated there's no diminishing returns for IIQ.

"This modifier increases the average number of items that drop from monsters. It does not affect the type, quality, or rarity of item dropped, only the chance that something will drop.[1] There is no cap on the usefulness of this modifier, as monsters can drop more than one item at a time. "

Since this is the average we are talking about, the law of large numbers comes into play and we don't need a huge sample.

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