Forsaken Craft: You've sort of broken your game GGG

That power has always been there though, only now it's more readily accessible to a wider range of players.

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Snorkle_uk wrote:
kruemel2222 wrote:
now there is a chance to get my hands on a good weapon

confirmed absolutely clueless, no idea what you are talking about. Good weapon? Decent gear? Close to mirror worthy gear is "decent"? You have obviously absolutely no grasp of the power of weapons like this and that is why you are posting clueless comments. No one who really understands endgame gear can take what either of you has just said seriously. A weapon with a little over half the dps of the one I posted can absolutely destroy lvl78 maps, one day you will understand that and come to realise how right I was about this.


Thanks for cherry-picking the part that allowed you to unleash your "you are just a clueless noob, your opinion is invalid" babble.

I am well aware what endgame looks like. Yeah, it's not just a good weapon, it's a great weapon. You can do it with worse weapons. Alright. So what? Does it really hurt you when I have a chance to actually get a weapon like that for once? If you think that crafting something like that breaks the game for you, just don't do it.

Seriously, that's exactly the kind of argument that gets always used when someone dares to mention that solo, self-found is in a bad spot. Stop caring about other player's gear.

Also, once again, I play solo, I play self-found. My chances to get Elreon to level 8 aren't high to begin with. And even if I do, it is very unlikely that I will hit a high flat phys roll with the regal. I wont have enough divines for the multi-mod to scour the weapon and try again. The weapon I will get will be significantly worse than the dagger you have posted. And yet better than anything I could ever hope to find on my own.
Yeah, I don't need it. Okay, but the game is about fun. And killing monsters with a good weapon is certainly more engaging than using the average mediocre stuff.
Poutsos wrote:
Well don't you also think that there is a huge "jump" in difficulty by act3 merciless, and especially maps, as well. Maybe that jump in gear progression is needed by most people to be able to adjust. Sure it was possible without it, but we have discussed how easy or not it was numerous times. It's a game afterall.

No, it's not needed. The one additional mod does a fantastic job by itself. You admit it's a jump in power. Meaning it's out of place. It doesn't belong, isn't required, and I truly hope the multiple mod crafting gets adjusted next league.

It's too strong now.
to be honest i would not at all mind if level 8 masters just vanished

As much as i like the new crafting , the power level 8 gives is simply insane and the grind is out of this world.

it should be allows one more master mod , not multiple master mods .

but even then i think being able to craft a single t3 mod on an item is pretty potent for making items as is.

if they do that they can reduce the exp needed to 8 by 50% so it is double 7, much better grind curve

Last edited by Saltychipmunk on Sep 20, 2014, 12:21:28 PM
SL4Y3R wrote:
Poutsos wrote:
Well don't you also think that there is a huge "jump" in difficulty by act3 merciless, and especially maps, as well. Maybe that jump in gear progression is needed by most people to be able to adjust. Sure it was possible without it, but we have discussed how easy or not it was numerous times. It's a game afterall.

No, it's not needed. The one additional mod does a fantastic job by itself. You admit it's a jump in power. Meaning it's out of place. It doesn't belong, isn't required, and I truly hope the multiple mod crafting gets adjusted next league.

It's too strong now.

I did admit that. I also noted that there is big jump in difficulty as well. Now since i have quit, i have not experienced how powerfull new crafting really is, but before this was in the game, i supported the suggestion that the end game was inaccessible for the majority of people, and trading, along with very heavy time investment was required in order to be able to progress first to maps, and then to high level maps. If i remember correctly you never beleived that, so i do not think we would agree on the matter. New crafting options look fine to me for more people to reach a good level of power and gear within the frame of 3 month leagues(not 4 as it used to be). If they stay on standard after that, the quest of aquiring god like gear is as hard as ever.

And i repeat, if i see a problem appearing here, is that with the easier accessibility of good daggers, the superiority of them compared to other melee weapons become paifully obvious. I strogly beleive that a huge melee weapon rework should be done in the future. Especially for 2 handed, but in general other weapon types need as good and interesting pasives as adder's touch. - Poutsos Flicker Nuke Shadow
Last edited by Poutsos on Sep 20, 2014, 12:52:07 PM
Euronymus wrote:

1.youre valuieng benefit in pure currency made ?!

I appreciate what you are saying, but none of what I said in my original post was motivated by trading prices, if I gave that impression then it was not intentionally.

I am valuing the gear and crafting in regards to how trivial it makes the games content vs the effort required for people to get to that. As soon as someone like me or Hege talks about stuff like this the immediate reaction from people is to think we are talking about it from an economics point of view, but its not about that at all. This is what I am seeing

Gear level 1.

^ this is enough to play and win maps up to the mid 70s with decent dps.

Gear level 2.

^ this is enough to faceroll reasonably rolled maps at any level with extreme prejudice.

Gear level 3.

^ is is absolutely gratuitous power that goes beyond trivialising the game into lala land and should not even exist outside of a one in multibillion freak accident or the obscene labs of the insomniacs guild in standard league where its ridiculously game breaking opness is at least rationed and controlled by the fat grubby hands of the softcore moneylords whove dedicated 10,000s of hours between them to reach a level where the game has become truly pointless.

Its not about market values, its about, as slayer says, power creep, its about not handing players a way to make the game truly trivial for relatively minute investment of time and knowledge. If anyone can cook up something even remotely close to this from scratch using a quantity of orbs that can be hand farmed by a single player in a few weeks when they get their masters leveled then this game just became a complete and utter joke.

Some people dont care about playing a challenging game, they just want to turn up and have win handed to them on a plate. Ok, what can I say about that? Its not the game I want to play, its not the game this has ever been, I dont believe its the game GGG wanted to make. Sure its the game some people wanted to play, just look at Diablo 3, a game build around pleasing those people. They landed an expansion and wtihin 2 months everyone was bored of it already because theres no longevity, nothing to play for, no effort required to get somewhere and hence no satisfaction and sense of achievement when you arrive, just a shabby little joke of a game for modern kids with no attention span. Im not talking about my money, Im not talking about anyones money, Im talking about a game, a serious game that should demand a lot of the player and have real long term challenge. I couldnt care less about the markets apart from when they impact the credibility of the game. Weapons like that removes all credibility from the game, temp leagues will turn into what perm leagues are now and perm leagues will become completely pointless. Some people think they are already pointless, this will just multiply that factor by an unthinkable amount.

It will damage the longevity of the gear progression, the player experience, the player reward structure and ultimately the game as a whole, thats what I care about.

SL4Y3R wrote:

It's power creep. Well, not even creep, more akin to a jump. Single mod crafting works perfectly well though.

like a warp jump, lets press the red button and zoom off into hyperspace man.

kruemel2222 wrote:

Seriously, that's exactly the kind of argument that gets always used when someone dares to mention that solo, self-found is in a bad spot. Stop caring about other player's gear.

first off I am sorry for being an arsehole with you, my thorns rating is off the chart and Ive just become so tired of pointless arguments with people who are beyond the reach of logic on the internet over the last 10 years I just have absolutely no patience for it any more. If it means anything to you I apologise, its just one of those days, one of those threads, nothing personal brother Im just an arsehole at times.

See, I dont think solo self found is in a bad spot. Yeah sure its slower than trade, thanks to this new master fuckup and its now far slower than its ever been compared to party trading. But I honestly think its fine. I set out to prove this recently, I picked the most "bad spot" thing going that didnt involve a marauder (I hate marauder so much, just an awful class). Dual wield self found solo melee in hardcore beyond. I got the lvl80 immortal achievement first time, just walked there with absolutely no problems and the character is now in maps doing fine, destroying content. Its not because Im a good player, at all, thats my second ever proper hardcore character, I am so far from one of the good players in this game. Its because I had the right build, used the right vendor crafting recipies on the right items and I knew the mechanics of everything I was facing along the way. I was going to write a guide on it at some point because it was so easy and people seem to be having so much trouble.

See that 6L bow I posted earlier? Self found. that binos? Self found. That 240 top end claw? self found. Its just about having the right build, getting into the right level of maps and farming them efficiantly. Dont give up man, stuff DOES drop, you will find what you need and these new single affix master crafts are going to make it so, so much easier than its ever been before. You see that dragon hunger I have? I dont flip items, I didnt get that through playing markets like a stock trader, I got it from farming the game and selling what I find, 2 chaos here, 4 chaos there, just honest to goodness grinding let me find an amount of gear worth in excess of 200 exalts. Obviusly self found ur not going to get 200ex to buy a hunger, but you are going to have 200ex worth of gear, and then some, that knife is not alone in my stash, its a tiny portion of my gears. Have faith, stuff will come, and when it does it will be far more rewarding than just vendorshop crafting some stock weapon that everyone has access to which turns the game into 0 challenge godmode.
Last edited by Snorkle_uk on Sep 20, 2014, 1:35:24 PM
holocaustus wrote:
That power has always been there though, only now it's more readily accessible to a wider range of players.

but this way of phrasing things is deceptive, it makes it sound like there is a favoured bunch of players who have unfairly been handed something or rnged an advantage over everyone else and the whole thing of this guy having and this guy not is somehow inherently unfair. Its not, at all.

Oh look at that guy, hes got a car and a house and a fat bank account and I got f all, poor me? Well no, you are 12 years old and hes a 55 year old man whos been working for nearly 40 years 5 days a week. You have to actually look at the bigger picture here and see why some have and some dont.

Ive played this game for 1000s of hours, I dont have actual figures but Im guessing 5000+? I have characters I havent even played with in over a year who have 1000 hours on the clock, put it that way, and Ive not stopped playing for any real length of time since the start of open beta, my game time is gargantuan.

Start of open beta it took me WEEKS befor eI could even clear a lvl66 map properly. I didnt ever set foot into a lvl77 map for over 6 months I think, took me 6 months and several 1000 hours played before I even found ONE lvl77 map. Sure I have a dragon hunger, do you realise the effort that took? What I have put into this game to get that? Now before you all start with your shinanegans, this isnt about "oh I had to put in x amount of time so I dont want other people to have my gears because Im all buthurt and elitist" its about objectively looking at the game and its life span, this isnt about me, my ego, my shiny things, thats all irrelevant.

When you say available to a wider range of players, what you mean is actually stuff that took you 3000 hours play to achieve now being availible to people who have played 300 hours. Thats not some communist utopia, thats cutting the games life span own by 90%, that is seriously, seriously worrying for the future of this game. D3 tried to give everyone everything right away, and thats why it had no sense of satisfaction or reward and no longevity. they worked on an expansion for over 2 years and when they released it it lasted a month or two and it was done because they catered to people who wanted EVERYTHING handed to them right away and couldnt accept that maybe some things they would never have. Dont confuse a lack of patience and perspective with some sort of noble power to the people pursuit, its nothing of the sort. If people want this game to still be here in 5 or 10 years then they need to ge tthier head around the fact that there has to be something that takes the average joe 5 years to actually achieve, otherwise this is another isntant gratification flash in the pan throw away kids game.

New players are just running lvl77 maps within a week or two now from a fresh start, I know, I was one of the people who argued long and hard for the changes to the map system that made this possible. People are now crafting better gear than I had in my first 4 months within 4 days, I know, I was one of the people whos been arguing for it. But there has to be some sort of balance, some middle ground, shit cant be allowed to just slide right down the hill into noobsville. Yes the game was unnecessarily brutal in the past but its like people have no control, no sense of perspective, it started with people wanting less random crafting, they caught wind of being able to bench 119% phys for 2 chaos and suddenly they HAD TO HAVE IT OR RIOT, such a gratuitous change, now theyve caught wind of having near mirror worthy gear for alts and regals and MUST HAVE, MUST HAVE, GIVE GEARS GIVE GIVE... People need to learn self control and when enough is enough for the good of the game.

The game is the journey from here to there, dont ask for that journey to be made ultra short, thats the games life you are asking to be made ultra short. Enjoy the gradual progress, enjoy the long player, enjoy a game that is WORTH investing 3000 hours of your life in over the next decade. Dont demand GGG give you everything right now cause youll get it, feel no appreciation because it didnt take much effort to get it then just discard path of exile like a throwaway, worthless rag.
Cool story, bro. It's been obvious from the start of this argument/rant that you've spent a lot of time on the game and are now struck with horror because Joe Scrub can achieve what you've achieved in a fraction of the time. Except that Joe Scrub could always pull out his credit card and simply buy top end gear. No effort involved. Have you made any threads about RMTs ruining the game? If so please link, I'm curious to read them.

Personally I don't care how others play the game, nor do I pretend to care about the long-term welfare of the game. I care about my personal enjoyment, and I've suffered long enough under the atrocious RNG loot and crafting. Now, after years, finally GGG have taken steps to rectify the situation and if that leads to everyone running around with OP gear I couldn't care less because it doesn't affect me as finally I can tell the economy to go fuck itself and play self-found/self-crafted like God intended.

And crit builds are OP. Everyone knows that, GGG know that. Crit's been nerfed before and it will be nerfed again. Perhaps everyone steamrolling content with 400dps daggers will get us there sooner. It's high time for maps to go above lvl 78 anyway.
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