P/C on Phys Crit and Ele Bows

lemme know

On the decimation bow, the crit is nice, but the pdps is only average at 250. Given that in a months time many people will have eleron at level 8, the price of a bow like this will converge on the 2 exalt multi craft mod. Right now, my guess is 3-5 exalt range and would suggest you get moving on selling at that range now, before more and more people hit eleron 8

A good roll with a high item level white bow, add a rare rustic sash (trash) and a whetstone can get you a magic bow with up to 89% phys dam and 50% crit chance. From there its not hard to regal and with a decent mod, then 2 exalts for eleron grab additional phys dam, attack speed, additional crit etc and craft a bow for much less.

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