oh nice, when did you buff ice nova strongboxes?

5500 hp 1 shot from a palace strongbox with ice nova.

lel. Never even dented me back in ambush league.
Last edited by AmbushRacer on Sep 1, 2014, 12:03:59 PM
Pohx is the new Beyond league also got one shotted by an ice nova box
They buffed Icenova clearly written in the patchnotes. Do you think these chests use other spezial Icenovas?
only noobs die to strongboxes i think
#31 of Rampage League after 7 days played.
Umm yeah they are over the top. I have died twice so far from them... just happy i'm in standard. It's pretty much a safe bet, that one or two will die when in group :P
Hejren / Triceps / Regnbuen / Sarinti / Striglen / Mareridt / Spoegelset / Doktoren / Dobbelganger / Skjoldtrold / Forkynderen
6tom6 wrote:
They buffed Icenova clearly written in the patchnotes. Do you think these chests use other spezial Icenovas?

lol, because the buff to ice nova has clearly allowed us, the players, to also one-shot 5k hp targets with capped cold resistance...

Have to agree with OP. What happened to strongbox ice novas??
i usually reroll Ice nova boxes because i know im gonna desync on openning and im going to fucking die thinking im 100feet away while im next to it
ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it
Yep so I'm not alone to die by one shot by ice nova box. (5300 hp)

Great, smart mechanic GGG! I need better armour and smarter approach for dat !

much great wowo that designe so smarte, wow pro only wow

Last edited by CookieVortex on Sep 1, 2014, 1:13:01 PM
Just a tip: use leap slam or lighting warp after opening the chest, even if you lag you will jump away and the ice nova dont touches you. then simply jump back and kill them. This game will always hurt you if you trying to stay in place.
Also just got one shot my ice nova. Literally first thing I encountered as I hit merci beach. I never had time to move. It just popped me instantly. Figured I lagged a little as there seemed to be no timer.

Pathetic mechanic.

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