The Downfall of Zombies and Spectres in late game

1st Sept : Thread Post Updated with The Compilation of Disgruntles and Disatisfaction of Players Regarding Zombie and Spectres.

12th Sept : Thread is revised and partly excluded SRS as being the prime factor of Zombies and Spectres fallback. Though, SRS should never be accepted as a solution to the trivial of Zombies and Spectres in ultimate end game Maps

13th Sept : Thread is updated with the players feedbacks again from latter posts.

Similiar Feedback From Another Player:


○ ○ A compilation of disgruntles and expression of real thoughts from concerned players as of 1.2 patch ○ ○
AmbushRacer wrote:
They didn't buff minions much to balance snapshot, then they buffed late game maps.

sidtherat wrote:
zombies are weaker and as people are greedy and flock the the most powerful they will ofc go for SRS as long as they are allowed to do so

Emphasy wrote:
basically all Spectres besides one are worthless. Without the proximity shield you might as well have no spectres at all, because they are just death.
My Zombies survive a lot of stuff. But in higher maps the simple combination of Alchemists + Evangelists kills them in seconds. Again the only way to survive is Evangelists. Even with Necro-Aegis and Saffels, which gives them awesome spell-block they die fairly quickly.

Saltychipmunk wrote:
oh god , no , no its not , adding a minion that acts like a homing missle fireball spell and then having it be the dominant minion is truely awful.
i cant even fathom why raging spirits are spells anyway , that is crown of eyes level of op. Im gona abuse it because im tired of using the weak builds.
i wont even call SRS players summoners anymore , because they arent.

Emphasy wrote:
The funny thing though my unsupported SRS already does crazy damage and it I would make a 3l with Increased Duration and Spell-Echo I would propably get fair results considering how cheap it is.

Starxsword wrote:
Raging Spirits hit really hard at the moment.

Saltychipmunk wrote:
i used to be a huge proponent of the perm minion build , but now i am seriously considering diverting some of my passives away from auras / minion life and getting increased duration and cast speed. (Summon Raging Spirit)

Emphasy wrote:
Atziri... well Zombies likely survive a non-crit Flameblast from her. Spectres however don't.

Cooley wrote:
Minions need better mitigation, especially against AoE damage. A while ago they lowered zombie HP and gave them armor to compensate this. That was a step in the right direction, except that they only gave them like 700 armor.
Anyway, please give zombies, spectres, and skeletons some innate AoE damage reduction. I honestly feel like 30%-50% wouldn't be too out of line.

Zinja wrote:
Its just so painful and a total waste of space to even think about spectre's in late game. I was forced from being a summoner to a caster just to meet endgame content requirements...

Cooley wrote:
Speaking of minion instability, that keystone needs to be redesigned. It's counter-productive. In order for your minions to do enough damage to hurt anything they have to get so much health that it takes forever for them to explode.

Jiero wrote:
still wanting and waiting for them to allow us to link 1 skill to a summon type... zombies with molten shell, artic armor, viper strike, tempest shield or whatever would make summoning quite fun

Emphasy wrote:
But really physical damage is rarely an issue and honestly determination does nothing for minions, spectres don't have any armor and zombies just a tiny bit (I think around 1k at lvl20).

Emphasy wrote:
The Spectre/Zombie-Combination works fairly good for all of the normal content and propably... I would guess up to 76 maps with a few exceptions. At this point you stumble across two issues:
1. Massiv AoE (Crematorium...)
2. Your Spectres are likely still lvl68 if Evangelists or 66 if Flame-Sentinals

Taganov wrote:
Spectre diversity isn't very good. Most creatures are rubbish as allies. This leads to a spectre hunt for the few good ones.

Atomgun wrote:
I think that specters need to be saved on logout. The process of finding your minions everytime is tedious and a repetitive process that has become necessary for any summoner. What is worse is that only a few minions are ever used. So maybe they should just make gems that summon specific specters or fix it by making the specter level based on gem level instead of map. No other builds suffer power penalties for going outside of their level so why should a summoner? There are plenty of other penalties for playing in lower level maps.

Jiero wrote:
Spectres need numerous changes, the least of which is to allow us the basics of weighting their AI decisions like so many other games have done and fixes to their pathing nodes. That way we can pick their patrol range, targeting focus, aggro range, skill use frequency and so on. Games have allowed this since the super nintendo...

Earthslug wrote:
Look at this shit.

Spent 3ex on it and its near useless.
Montregul needs more buff.
My friend is going srs while i go oldschool minions.
So far mine is better.
But have a feeling he'll be catching on me.

Alea wrote:
i dont really like to push the button all time to summon spirits
i really hope ggg will also improve zombies in lower levels, they are also dying just too fast on Demons...

I play summoner with my friends who quit. My spectres died a lot in 77-78 maps before Forsaken Masters came out. I always have to recast them all the time and cast whatever trash spectre is available in the map.

Let's just face it, spectres and zombies combo is just not viable without INSANE GEARING like RMT INSANE GEARING.You want a real summoner? Go play the necromancer in Diablo 2. That's a real summoner for you. Sadly even as bad as D3 is the Witch Doctor still has better summons than PoE's summons.

Antigegner wrote:
I play a summoner as well and I have actually only started playing other chars cuz I feel I can't achieve anything higher than 75 with zomb/spec....I actually feel pretty useless in a group of 6 ppl. I usually skip most of the higher lvl bosses because either I or my minions are too weak or even both...

Earthslug wrote:
Yup confirmed again... spectres SUCK
zombies are average
but spectres are a joke!
needs a major buff...
only reason I keep playing now is my gems will hit lvl20 in the next 2 weeks or so.
After that I put them to sleep for good.

Is ggg really pushing me towards the meta SrS build?

Sverre wrote:
I mostly play summoner. Most lower level maps pose little threat to summoners right up until the mid 70's. DPS isn't the problem, its just that, for one reason or another, your specters will die on the higher level boss fights.

catalinc wrote:
for every other build there exists gear with which you can become very very powerfull. There is no such thing for spectres/zombies.

Racthoh wrote:
Minions just need a natural damage reduction to AoE and they'll be fine. If AoE attacks were a rare thing it wouldn't be so bad but they are prevalent everywhere. If something is killing your minions its dealing AoE damage and it's dropping multiples at once.

Sverre wrote:
As far as I know, no other build can permanently lose large sources of their damage in the middle of a zone. If summoners had a variety of ways to keep their specters alive this would be a non issue.

Ghostredneck wrote:
At this Current State of the game there is no viable way to roll end game maps with a pure summoner spec , without expensive Uniqes.
This is my Opinion Based on My Experiances..
Hopefully a patch will eventualy Make this Build Viable without gimmicks

Saltychipmunk wrote:
even if you did not use snapshotting , the nerfs to auras (which translates to losing 25% of your auras and 35% of their effectiveness
that nerf to auras was a massive blow.
now that all those things have been nerfed hard or removed what we have left are the minions flaws and all, and they have many flaws.

I can't see myself doing Atziri as a Spectre/Zombie summoner ever. This is simply because the minions die far too quickly. Yourself are way too squishy because too many gem slots are occupied by summon gems. 10 of them to be exact. 6L spectre and 4L zobies in +2 helmet.

With SRS you got 6L spirits and the rest of gem slots can be used for defensive gems, such as; auras, cwdt, curses, Vaal skills etc.
The only way I could see a pure summoner work in high level content is if minions were more tanky, so the player don't have to sacrifice potions slots to heal minions. If I could max my resist on gear instead of using purity of elements for minions, then I could get another defensive aura. There is just so much that could be done to make summoners more viable for endgame.

meroi wrote:
being a Zombie and Spectre summoner has been absolutely horrible.

NoeNoe wrote:
When you finaly manage to find high level spectres you crash or you need to log you can start over you need to stay online 24/7 when i find high spectres.
you cant even turn off your pc or logout, what a waste of serverspace, energy, and poor ppl that whisper me for trades.
ggg designes game around logout in hc and when you log back in im back to 67 spectres and have fun doing low level maps until you find high ones and then you lose them to programm not responding

Sverre wrote:
That being said it would be very nice if spectre level was determined the the actual level of the Raise Spectre gem, raising anything other than an evangelist is already a risk by itself, it really doesn't help spectre variety that most other viable spectre mobs are just to low for anything past level 70 maps.

Until we get renewable spectres, a major buff to spectre survivability, or on demand access to specific high level corpses, we will continue to be shoehorned into using exclusively evangelists from the Scepter of God, who still fall short in the later maps.

Jiero wrote:
But now I've been avoiding summoner builds until they fix the issues

Emphasy wrote:
Supports for Spectres. You can't switch them. If one of your spectres dies you can't just switch supports and summon a new one. It also means that if you would be able to do so you would have to use different supports. Sentinals and Voidbearers could do with similar supports, although LMP vs. ConC Effect could be an issue, but Evangelists or Tentacle Miscreations need entirely different ones. So you basically have to carry them all with you.


Starting from the point before 1.20 patch and after, we all can observe how many veteran summoners have changed their build, scraping out Spectres and Zombie as main dps. The reason is that in 1.20 patch, there is no capable summoner build with minions of Spectres and Zombie alone able to do end game maps successfully without fortune of investment, which is the only way.

Many players playing as summoner who focused on Zombies and Spectres would not give their thoughts here.
Most of the time, such players have already using the top notch if not near perfect gears by playing this build.
The insight is not given due to their achievement has been reached with their hundreds and hundreds of exalts build cost. No one wish to step up to give any form of suggestion, no one bother to spend their time to reevaluate their achievement is none other than fortune of invesment, no one care if their build has no real choice because most of the players care about what they can do with their build regardless cost and repetitive gearings with investment.

I hope I am not too late for giving 2 cents on the flaws.

All Zombies and Spectres builds have the same kind of setup, no variation, no real choice, ended up in a same circulation of gemmings and gearing for sucessful end game.

Zombie and Spectres alone have become a non-viable build for Summoner in end game content.
The key to be successful Summoner now is to utilize Summon Raging Spirit which is the only way and only build that able to do high end maps. A cheap way other than the alternative, spending a fortune in gearings.
High end maps that I am referring here is not pointing at lvl70-76 Maps. Those are easy and any summoner build with at least decent DPS and survivability able to do it. I am talking about high end maps lvl77 and 78 such as Palace, Shrine and of course Atziri map.

With the current state, even most player would not admit it but Summoner based on Spectres and Zombies are no longer valid.
No matter how you build to make them as tanky as possible with lvl26 Zombie, insane DPS with all the top tier foundation dps gems for them, you will still fail them as they die too easily in end game maps regardlessly UNLESS you have a gigantic investment in the gears, fixed gearings as other "valid" summoner build to do end game.


Lets get into other points.

Since 1.20, have any of you seen the success of pure Zombie and Spectres build til Atziri in any video or Streaming?
I know some would oppose this by the assumption that certain successful player's build are not shown in any of them or witnessed by community in POE but right now I am basing my facts on veteran summoners in Build and Video section have none showing such feat.

Anyone who is being optimist on this matter by saying the build need to readjust only to fix all the problem without solid evidence of being able to achieve it are just words going through the ears.
Personally, I am one of those summoner which do not like Summon Raging Spirit since it does not feel like being a summoner, all you need is to have a high cast speed rate with proper DPS gems for it.

The foundation of summoner which I have always withold from giving it up is to have a setup of an army which follows me around and providing a radius of protection.
Summon Raging Spirit being a neccessity in 1.20 for every late game summoner is ruining the experience for some such as me.
SRS is just about dealing dealing DPS with high cast speed rate while having a proper defence mechanism or stat for your own char, does that sounds like a spellcaster? Yes, it is.
That is why, I stick with Spectres and Zombies even after snapshot is gone.
I love to play the way of how Zombies and Spectres interact based on the player, able to gear them up their defence, DPS, survivability, like a group of conscience loyal army.

As right now, all the successful build or hot builds for summoners are all including SRS, I hope the glory days of Zombies and Spectres would not end because of the rising of SRS. I want Zombies and Spectres alone can be successful with a huge turnaround state in future. The trivial of them right now is so dissapointing that I can barely be proud to say my build able to do high end maps without pointing its the same freaking setup of gems and items that made it so.


On the other hand, lets look at the buff in the 1.20 for Zombies and Spectres.

Is the boost of 13% More HP for Zombies solve anything?
Not being greedy or demanding, but we have to agree at one point that 13% more HP would mostly add 900HP more or less to your beloved Zombies.
Indeed, it does gives a significant amount of HP to Zombies but the question now is it enough for end game maps including Atziri?
Trust me, no summoners in POE regardless of what their achivement is, they all have the same answer, no.

Why is it so?
Looking at how much the HP has gained on the Zombies, it is an applausing boost. Yet, when you reach the lvl78 Maps or Atziri, your Zombie would die too fast for you to resummon back them. Let just say 15k HP Zombie is still die like Japanese Tofu in Atziri. The only way for you to change that is to have a better cast speed to resummon them while maintaining a good mana regen pool.
Given the solution is that way, I better play Summon Raging Spirit again. However, that is what I am trying to avoid. I do not like SRS as its playstyle is like a spellcaster more than a Summoner.

Necromantic Aegis being the solution for the squishy Zombies and Spectres?
Based on personal experience, taking Necromantic Aegis indeed gives a huge survivability for Minions. Paired with Bone Offering at lvl20, three nodes of 2% Addional Block Chance, Skullhead Unique, and a shield probably with around 30% Block chance able to yield roughly around 75% Block chance for Minions. This is awesome, but yet, how about your character?
It is apocalypse. You would not survive long in even certain low level maps such as lvl72 Dark Forest which occupied by Devourers.
That is how aweful it is by taking Necromantic Aegis. Even in Atziri 75% block chance to spell is not tofu-proof. Any form of single damage from Atziri could wipe out your Zombies and Spectres if the RNG is not siding the 75% block chance. By taking Necro Aegis, certain problem arise such as the resistance of self are lowered by so much that you requires to have other items to cope with the lost.
In Path of Exile, having low elemental resistance in late game is deadly. You probably want to think twice if you wish to explore low level maps such as lvl76 Crematarium, lvl74 Residence Map and etc. In the end, Necro Aegis is not viable for late game content either.

I have to mention that Block Chance is so crucial to summoner and why is that? Summoner deals no direct DMG to enemy, which means it relies on defences to their survivability. Even if you have Max Elemental Resistance, might even over capped resistance you are still vulnerable to heavy PDMG from enemy. Perhaps you are running 40% DMG mitigation to mana, but let me remind you that such build are still damn squishy in high end contents starting from lvl76 Maps and onwards With Necromantic Aegis node taken, you would lost at least 24% block chance (The lowest in Shield) and you probably would not get over 30% block chance.
Good luck in surviving high end maps with 0 block chance.

The cheap, prime alternative to Zombie and Spectre is Summoner Raging Spirit.
This Minion alone can shut all the problem mentioned above, since the spellCaster do not have to worry about their survivability. What they do is to spam the summoning of SRS with their high cast speed rate from gears and nodes. While this is done, all the Life Nodes for minions in passive tree can be skipped, granting the player more passive points to upgrade their cast speed and char defense. Anyone who insist to avoid SRS would have to go through all the pain to worry the Minions health as much as their own char in end game contents.

You are a summoner based on Zombie and Spectres and successfully proven it is valid for Atziri
If anyone think they can easily do lvl77 and beyond maps until Atziri, think again, whats the cost needed for that build? If you think alternatives items are cheaper and valid, reconsider again if you can't run with them for 100 times in ultimate end game contents. You will failed and failed because, I am damn sure you need those expensive gears afterall.

What I am trying to reach here?
Possibly the most controversial demand all over again in the forum, which have been heard over and over again,
Buff further the Zombies and Spectres.
Because right now, they can't even be compared with SRS at all. Any solution is SRS, any factor to eliminate the issues of Zombies and Spectres is SRS again.

I hope GGG reconsider how Zombies and Spectres states are in this game, because right now I am assuming all players and GGG part have noticed how many summoners have factor in SRS as a neccessity in their summoning build. As I am a Zombie and Spectre lover, I hope they can be more viable in end game by their own.


○ ○ A Personal Conclusion Based on Most Of The Opinions Around This Thread ○ ○
As far we all can conclude,

♣ Spectres are prone to death in ultra high end maps, where the real problems arise. You are forced to summon any useless Spectres around as a replacement.

♣ Zombies are moderate and the issues of them are not about DPS entirely, it is about the survivability. Low to half end game, they prevail well but still prone to rapid death due to AOE elemental dmg in ultra high end maps.

♣ Zombies and Spectres are at worst when its involve about damage mitigation. AOE dmg is the real threat to summoner in late game. The 13% hp buff to the Zombie is totally useless since the damage mitigation of AOE dmg in late game will crush them easily without insane amount of gearing cost, etc RMT and no lifer farmings.

♣ Sceptres resummoning is causing the summoner to have uneasy time in this game, not just because their survivability, but the need to find their spawning map are tedious. Most of the time, we are in different map of where they can be summoned.

♣ As for Zombies and Spectres summoner, the only way to finish the game is to have RMT gears or hardcore farmers or years of grinding plays only able to make the build viable for all end game content. While, taking a look at SRS, they can easily achieve all that with 10 exalts.

♣ We cannot deny that SRS as a summon gems too, are more viable by miles than playing Zombies and Spectres. Most of veteran players in Witch section have chosen to play SRS because they are far more superior in terms of DMG and needless to worry about their survivability against high DMG from enemy.

♣ There is no way to make a viable build with Zombies and Spectres without SRS if you don't have 200 exalts for gearings.
There is never been a single guide for summoners that able to make a cheap build and do ultra high end maps, exclusively lvl77 and onwards map.

♣ All the guide that shown to new and old players alike, that able to play Zombies and Spectres successfully if not with limited recorded gameplays, are using 200 exalts build.
Its not a viable option at all.

♣ Do not get carried away by SRS gem because of their success, because right now as the lover of Zombie and Spectre, we must appeal for a further buff for them in order to be more fun to play with and able to do high end maps with moderate budgets, give or take 50 exalts.

♣ Some of us as summoner do not recognize SRS as a summon as a temporary summons that deal DPS based on your cast speed as the prime factor. Therefore, SRS is not a solution proof for summoners to make a more viable build with Zombie and Spectres.

♣ Personally, I hate SRS but at this point, the meta is forcing me to get it in my build because I have no choice.

We do not wish Zombies and Spectres to be easy, we want them to be contented be it hard or challenging. I don't mind failling to do Atziri, but I wish to be able to do Atziri ajointed with failure and success both without the fixed path of spending 200 exalts in getting into that point with my Zombie and Spectres build.

Pure summoner for life.

Thanks for reading.
I Love This Game Now, Being a Summoner Hardly Associated with Desync ♫

♥ ♥ ♥ My Shop ♥ ♥ ♥
☻ ☻ ☻ Downfall of Zombie and Spectre in 1.2 Patch ☻ ☻ ☻
Last edited by bunnyxian901 on Sep 12, 2014, 3:45:55 PM
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last patch even without snapshot minions could do 78 maps and atziri(Thanks to evangelist crutch).

They didn't buff minions much to balance snapshot, then they buffed late game maps.

So far my rank 18(+2) zombies and spectres are facerolling 74 maps in the new leagues, hope it remains that way.
AmbushRacer wrote:
last patch even without snapshot minions could do 78 maps and atziri(Thanks to evangelist crutch).

They didn't buff minions much to balance snapshot, then they buffed late game maps.

So far my rank 18(+2) zombies and spectres are facerolling 74 maps in the new leagues, hope it remains that way.

As both of us are also summoner, we know well we can faceroll any low level maps up to lvl76.
Without Snapshot or you mean with 200 ex build?

Look at Summon Raging Spirit, with just 10 Ex, they are capable of doing Atziri with no issues at all.
While, Zombies and Spectres are so hectic to geared up with before they can do Atziri.
To summarized my short post,
lvl20 Zombie is a joke in Atziri while SRS lvl20 is enough to faceroll anything in the whole game.
I Love This Game Now, Being a Summoner Hardly Associated with Desync ♫

♥ ♥ ♥ My Shop ♥ ♥ ♥
☻ ☻ ☻ Downfall of Zombie and Spectre in 1.2 Patch ☻ ☻ ☻
Last edited by bunnyxian901 on Aug 27, 2014, 12:14:19 PM
AmbushRacer wrote:
last patch even without snapshot minions could do 78 maps and atziri(Thanks to evangelist crutch).

They didn't buff minions much to balance snapshot, then they buffed late game maps.

So far my rank 18(+2) zombies and spectres are facerolling 74 maps in the new leagues, hope it remains that way.

As both of us are also summoner, we know well we can faceroll any low level maps up to lvl76.
Without Snapshot or you mean with 200 ex build?

Look at Summon Raging Spirit, with just 10 Ex, they are capable of doing Atziri with no issues at all.
While, Zombies and Spectres are so hectic to geared up with before they can do Atziri.
To summarized my short post,
lvl20 Zombie is a joke in Atziri while SRS lvl20 is enough to faceroll anything in the whole game.

what gear costs 200ex that makes a difference? summoners do not rely on gear to deal dps. they rely on it to survive. and with crafting the 'resists' problem is FAR LESS important so the gear to equip is MUCH MUCH easier to get.

times of snapshoted, low life shav, arc summoners with all auras are not coming back (and it is a good thing)

times when summoner is what it is - relatively gear independent build that allows for passive and bit safer gameplay - are ahead of us

SRS is going to be nerfed. it is too good and pretty much everyone playing it is the sign. people flock to overpowered stuff and SRS is one if such. people do not want 'viable'. people want faceroll. Arc is just as viable as it was before the path, yet number of arc builds went down by 95% or more. because it is not free 'i win/look im the best' anymore
in terms of having resist issues , if you are a necro aegis necro ... you really should be rocking an arumvorax with 50+ resist all.

that is a fun thing about nercos , traditional wand affixes apart from fast speed are meaningless.

the issue isnt the minions , the issue is overcapped resists. none of this would be an issue if atzri was doable with anything less than 90% fire and lightning resists.

raging spirits are nothing new , even last patch the best way to do atzri was with a spam of cheap disposable minions (see skeleton totem).

SRS is just the cheapest now.

but there are plenty of other builds that cant do atzri by simple fact that they dont have block and access to 95% resist all/ 40k + dps
Last edited by Saltychipmunk on Aug 27, 2014, 12:30:21 PM
sidtherat wrote:

what gear costs 200ex that makes a difference? summoners do not rely on gear to deal dps. they rely on it to survive. and with crafting the 'resists' problem is FAR LESS important so the gear to equip is MUCH MUCH easier to get.

times of snapshoted, low life shav, arc summoners with all auras are not coming back (and it is a good thing)

times when summoner is what it is - relatively gear independent build that allows for passive and bit safer gameplay - are ahead of us

SRS is going to be nerfed. it is too good and pretty much everyone playing it is the sign. people flock to overpowered stuff and SRS is one if such. people do not want 'viable'. people want faceroll. Arc is just as viable as it was before the path, yet number of arc builds went down by 95% or more. because it is not free 'i win/look im the best' anymore

lvl21 Zombie, +2 Minion Helm with decent stats for yourself, lvl3 Empower and of course Shavronne Wrappings. I think that have reached 200 ex more or less. Actually, I hope to bust the myth that Summoner is not gear dependent.
First of all, it is indeed true that summons with item independent is applicable in low end contents to mid tier. It does not apply to high end content. I would stress again that high end content that I am referring to is not pointing at lvl70 to lvl76 maps because we all can faceroll them with less than 5 ex gears.

I am talking about lvl77, lvl78 to Atziri Map. Summoners require heavy gearing in order to do them.

Anyway, forgive my enquiry but can you point me to the video that shows a Summoner based on Zombie and Spectre able to do Atziri without snapshot previously. Don't tell my its Ghazzy, because thats the build of 200 ex which I am talking about in my previous post.
I have no insight on SRS getting nerf or not, since their fate is sealed since everyone has been using it over other Minion gems as of 1.2 patch more than ever. We all know they are getting a further nerf sooner or later in coming patches.

I am critically concerned with Zombies and Spectres since they are having hard time getting into the crucial needs of summoners right now.
Take a look at the Build guides in Witch section or perhaps Scion section.
None of them wish to do Zombie and Spectres build or any one of them to the point of Atziri mapping. Its all about SRS since they are far cheaper, superior, easier and simplistic to play with.
I Love This Game Now, Being a Summoner Hardly Associated with Desync ♫

♥ ♥ ♥ My Shop ♥ ♥ ♥
☻ ☻ ☻ Downfall of Zombie and Spectre in 1.2 Patch ☻ ☻ ☻
Its all about SRS since they are far cheaper, superior, easier and simplistic to play with.

this is the point.

zombies are weaker and as people are greedy and flock the the most powerful they will ofc go for SRS as long as they are allowed to do so

without SRS people would make it with zombies. it would be slower or more involved but im pretty sure that they would make it

ill repeat - people flock to op. videos show op, guides show op. why there were 100s of arc guides pre 1.2? because it took a blind monkey to make a great character. same stuff with SRS

btw atziri farming? i think this is a thing of the past. there are so many zones to get fragments that i wonder why people even mention it.. lots of people bought TONS fragments from noobs to chain them but even these run out. and it is standard-only
Saltychipmunk wrote:
in terms of having resist issues , if you are a necro aegis necro ... you really should be rocking an arumvorax with 50+ resist all.
that is a fun thing about nercos , traditional wand affixes apart from fast speed are meaningless.
the issue isnt the minions , the issue is overcapped resists. none of this would be an issue if atzri was doable with anything less than 90% fire and lightning resists.
raging spirits are nothing new , even last patch the best way to do atzri was with a spam of cheap disposable minions (see skeleton totem).
SRS is just the cheapest now.
but there are plenty of other builds that cant do atzri by simple fact that they dont have block and access to 95% resist all/ 40k + dps

Thanks for the suggestion.
Previously in my builds even before 1.2 patch, I had been using Auromvorax with Necromantic Aegis nodes. However, regardless how, if your zombie is not lvl25 or more, it will simply get wiped in high end maps (77, 78 and Atziri). Either your char or your minions (Given 16k HP).

Eventually, we need to realize that since 1.2 SRS are getting superior for all type of Summoner builds. Why? Because before 1.2, Zombie and Spectres are a good choice since they capable of snapshot, tankiness and decent to top notch DPS.
While in the aftermath of 1.2, it is just the beginning of their downfall.
That is why SRS is getting so much spotlight and crucial to most builds.

To stress this again, Zombie and Spectre based summoner are not able to do Atziri or if able requires a overly expensive gears with multiple auras with lowlifing using Shavronnes and lvl3 Empower and lvl21 Zombie for maps especially Atziri.

Perhaps, it is just me that has failed to observe any player with Zombie and Spectres deep profound build able to do Atziri without the items above.

I Love This Game Now, Being a Summoner Hardly Associated with Desync ♫

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☻ ☻ ☻ Downfall of Zombie and Spectre in 1.2 Patch ☻ ☻ ☻
sidtherat wrote:

this is the point.
zombies are weaker and as people are greedy and flock the the most powerful they will ofc go for SRS as long as they are allowed to do so

without SRS people would make it with zombies. it would be slower or more involved but im pretty sure that they would make it

ill repeat - people flock to op. videos show op, guides show op. why there were 100s of arc guides pre 1.2? because it took a blind monkey to make a great character. same stuff with SRS

btw atziri farming? i think this is a thing of the past. there are so many zones to get fragments that i wonder why people even mention it.. lots of people bought TONS fragments from noobs to chain them but even these run out. and it is standard-only

I just wish that for those who love their build surrounding the nature of Zombies and Spectres would be commited to seek for a turning point for the downfall of them.
Gives contructed feedbacks, opinions, details up problems faced in end game content and more so in 1.2 onwards, they can still survive as the core of summoning build.

What's wrong with Atziri farming? Most of us wish to play in Atziri map or even love to attempt to try it without the thoughts of farming. Right now, I can't see a legit build of Zombie and Spectre for lvl77, 78 and Atziri anymore.
Btw, farming as been a nature of this game since we all run normal maps not just for leveling but farming as well, so..

Encouraging Zombie and Spectres hype from dying point
I have even been doing some recording on my own gameplay with Zombies and Spectres to grow back the seed of interest for new or old players alike. Personally, I dislike to do my gameplay recording since its requires extra time and spending non playing time for uploading and explaination for people who ask questions on the build. Yet, I still do it, hope the glory of Zombie and Spectre will regrow amongst summoner build.

SRS is not OP. It is just beyond Zombie and Spectres capability.
By sense, all summoners who love to survive better in high end maps in 1.2 and onwards, they would invest in SRS as I have mentioned
Its all about SRS since they are far cheaper, superior, easier and simplistic to play with.

With no ground evidence that any build with Zombie and Spectre able to do high end maps to the point of Atziri easily without 200 ex build in 1.2, I don't think we can assume they are still anyone would go to that expensive and less advantageous path anymore.
The way I am using the term 200 ex build is because, the way I see it, it is indeed such price required for Atziri for any kind of Summoner build capable of Atziring.

It's just too sad.
I Love This Game Now, Being a Summoner Hardly Associated with Desync ♫

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☻ ☻ ☻ Downfall of Zombie and Spectre in 1.2 Patch ☻ ☻ ☻
Last edited by bunnyxian901 on Aug 27, 2014, 2:47:53 PM
Well my problem with summoners is that basically all Spectres besides one are worthless. Without the proximity shield you might as well have no spectres at all, because they are just death.

The only other good spectres are Flame-Sentinels and Alchemist (well and those SRS-Necros^^), but that is only for clearing lower maps, because they have fantastic AoE-abilities... but for higher maps they are worthless.

My Zombies survive a lot of stuff. But in higher maps the simple combination of Alchemists + Evangelists kills them in seconds. Again the only way to survive is Evangelists. Even with Necro-Aegis and Saffels, which gives them awesome spell-block they die fairly quickly. So even if we are ignoring summon raging spirits the only other option are evangelists and thats it.

btw atziri farming? i think this is a thing of the past. there are so many zones to get fragments that i wonder why people even mention it.. lots of people bought TONS fragments from noobs to chain them but even these run out. and it is standard-only

It is still fairly easy to get midnights. Not as trivial as Sarn, but there are other small zones like Lunaris 1 that have a fixed spot for the corrupted area to appear, an easy boss. If you have a friend making you a portal at Lunaris entrance you can do runs in about 10secs.

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