
Bought a blender recently and overnight my diet's changed to like 90% fruit. I looked it up, to see if there were any negative effects potentially and there's some interesting information about fruit-only diets.

Don't really have a point to making this thread. Was just wondering if anyone else's tried this or is a vegetarian or follows some other kind of diet for whatever reason. I never thought I would care much about health foods, I just find the frozen fruit beverages I make in my blender to be the most delicious food to eat.

I also read this theory that man has only cultivated grain-type foods for the last 10,000 years and isn't that well evolved to digest them. The healthiest diet is one that consists of the same thing our earliest ancestors ate like meat, fish, nuts, fruits, and vegetables.

well it says in the wiki Ghandi went 5 years on a fruit diet and he didn't even have a blender. I bet I could blow his ass right out of the water, what do you think?
I always feel better when I eat fresh fruit. Sadly, I can't always find good types of what I enjoy. (IE: not ripe, overly ripe, bruised to shit.)

But eating an all fruit diet is not good for you. We need either 7 or 9 amino acids to live. Sorry, can't remember off the top of my head how many. Meat gives us all of them in one serving. Grains and fruits do not. That's why vegetarians require eating beans to get the last of the missing amino acids.

Happy blending though.
When I first came to live in Cambodia I was amazed by how good all the fruit tasted, given that it hadn't spent weeks rotting on a container ship to England like all the fruit I'd eaten before then.

I ended up ODing on mangos. Ate a whole bunch of them and spent the next 3 days being really, really sick. Now just the smell of them makes me feel ill, and I'm no longer into fruit :(
Getting sick after eating a certain food, even if isn't what made you sick, causes our bodies to assume it was bad for us.

I can't stand the smell of maple syrup after getting sick as a child eating pancakes.

Can't eat pancakes either.
ouch, mangoes are my favorite. They have both soluble and insoluble fiber, they're the fiber king. They're also loaded with terpines which help the body process cannabinoids, the other thing I'm blending with my fruit.

I'm like that with a few kinds of alcohol though, just can't tolerate it after it's made me ill.

I subscribed to this chef's channel on youtube who said that cannabis is one of the only plants that's a whole protein so i started eating some raw by itself just to get the taste of it. Kinda tastes like a spinach except sweeter and goes with fruit really well.

That's not to say i'm going entirely vegetarian, I have no reason to. It just takes a lot more effort to prepare a meal than it does to throw some things in a blender, at least in my opinion. Anyway, from doing some reading fruit diets are ok as long as you don't consume a whole lot of it like it was junk food. I do a blend that's 80% ice, 2 pieces of fruit, some weed leaves, and a bit of honey and it lasts me a good 4 or 5 hours. I'm already in good health so the energy from the fruit diet and digesting raw cannabinoids leaves me feeling really good, like charged up - without any drawbacks like sugar withdrawals or anything. It makes me feel like Popeye. Toot Toot!

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